Solugenix Summer Arizona Tour
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45.0 minutes of cooking = 0.7 milesTurkey burger & rosemary potatoes
7.44 miles of walking = 7.44 milesTook the kids to Knotts berry farm.
1.0 hour of circuit training = 5.7 mileKickboxing pad work and core circuit at All Out Martial Arts & Fitness. - Manually logged in 10436 Knott Ave, Anaheim, CA 92804, USA
4.0 miles of running = 4.0 miles
1.0 hour of bicycling, vigorous pace = 8.0 mile
20.0 minutes of cooking = 0.3 milesBurger, fries and asparagus 😋
1.2 miles of walking = 1.2 milesTook my daughter for a walk
75.0 minutes of weight lifting = 2.4 milesBack & bi session before work. Not my favorite day but learning to like working upper body!
1.0 hour of kickboxing = 8.2 mileKickboxing drills and sparring at All Out Martial Arts & Fitness.
55.0 minutes of weight lifting = 1.7 miles- Planet Fitness, South Diamond Bar Boulevard, Diamond Bar, CA, USA
2.63 miles of walking = 2.63 milesWalking during baseball practice
1.15 miles of walking = 1.15 miles
1.5 hours of racquetball, competitive = 10.8 miles
61.0 minutes of bicycling, vigorous pace = 8.1 miles
7.67 miles of walking = 7.67 miles
1.5 hours of racquetball, competitive = 10.8 miles
1.0 hour of cooking = 0.9 mile
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1.#california 26 racers × 95.2 avg = 2474 miles
2.#solugenix 25 racers × 75.2 avg = 1880 miles
3.#asp 10 racers × 124.2 avg = 1242 miles
4.#arizona 6 racers × 82.3 avg = 494 miles
5.#texas 4 racers × 114.0 avg = 456 miles
6.#illinois 3 racers × 122.7 avg = 368 miles
7.#florida 3 racers × 101.8 avg = 305 miles
8.#its 3 racers × 61.6 avg = 185 miles
9.#nevada 2 racers × 62.2 avg = 124 miles
10.#oklahoma 3 racers × 39.9 avg = 120 miles
11.#risingsun 2 racers × 46.8 avg = 94 miles
1.ChandlerChasers Finished
2.SedonaSprinters Finished
3.Tucson Darts Finished
4.Tempe Trailers Finished
5.Havasu Hikers Finished
6.Phoenix Dashers Finished
1.SedonaSprinters 2020.1 miles
2.Tempe Trailers 1921.4 miles
3.ChandlerChasers 1785.6 miles
4.Havasu Hikers 1784.7 miles
5.Phoenix Dashers 1699.5 miles
6.Tucson Darts 1319.3 miles
Runners (103)
(participants active in race)
1.Guru Finished
2.KarthikKandasam Finished
3.GSK Finished
4.JiffyJen Finished
5.Sunny999 Finished
6.mmasushi Finished
7.pdaley Finished
8.venkat Finished
9.PAW Finished
10.bamit18 Finished
11.Mark4 Finished
12.Nart Finished
13.Aika Finished
14.Hcole Finished
15.Blisteronmytoe Finished
16.RacerBobby Finished
17.JeremyDMello Finished
18.Maxx4lyfe Finished
19.SunMenon Finished
20.Premmannava Finished
21.ROXC Finished
22.VentiChai Finished
23.MMArizona Finished
24.HappyFeet2.0 Finished
25.MissWalksALot Finished
26.Amoranto2 Finished
27.BEENICOLE Finished
28.RobKTay Finished
29.Vanny Finished
30.CooIRunnings Finished
31.Veronica2024 Finished
32.malroth Finished
33.Hanuman Finished
34.2Fast2Furious Finished
35.Damola Finished
36.StravaPacer Finished
37.Rosy07 Finished
38.Rebbie Finished
39.Chi-Town Finished
40.Maadhu Finished
41.Bel96 Finished
42.SarahChives Finished
43.KevinHeuninck Finished
44.Amit007 Finished
45.St0rm Finished
46.Shashi Finished
47.Lil_Smokey 110.5 miles
48.SDub17 102.0 miles
49.Mare1 101.1 miles
50.Zodiak 100.2 miles
51.DL1 99.8 miles
52.MitziG 97.4 miles
53.Regina13 93.8 miles
54.Laurenzo 92.9 miles
55.MsBinks 85.3 miles
56.G-NAA 79.5 miles
57.Stefff41 78.5 miles
58.DFuse 75.9 miles
59.monasmo 74.5 miles
60.Endlessumer 73.0 miles
61.Bmurph22 70.1 miles
62.BoozeFizz 62.9 miles
63.Jayyy 62.8 miles
64.AmandaQ 62.0 miles
65.Boonesy 60.7 miles
66.MrSri 59.9 miles
67.Bash0713 59.1 miles
68.NickinND 58.7 miles
69.ALynnSolugenix 57.0 miles
70.Sam1126 54.5 miles
71.Kakee 53.7 miles
72.Cowgirl22 52.5 miles
73.del_5L3SjA 50.8 miles
74.Ro-withtheflo 44.4 miles
75.samuelpalestino 42.4 miles
76.Adris 41.0 miles
77.SBillman 40.4 miles
78.JessLaTerra 34.9 miles
79._Persephone_ 34.6 miles
80.amanda95 34.1 miles
81.HalloweenJo 32.7 miles
82.Stewie31 31.3 miles
83.Jdor 31.1 miles
84.BillNeavel 30.5 miles
85.RyanMeche 29.0 miles
86.ScrambledLegs1 28.6 miles
87.Gwennie 25.2 miles
88.SteveinAZ 25.0 miles
89.TallySauter 23.5 miles
90.Cammi 22.7 miles
91.piscesgirl 20.0 miles
92.HippieGirl 15.2 miles
93.LMoon 14.1 miles
94.Kennylu90 11.3 miles
95.CynthiaLB 9.3 miles
96.Andrew- 7.8 miles
97.AlexisHR 6.3 miles
98.MikeShires 4.2 miles
99.harshchauhan 1.0 miles
100.Jesshop 0 miles
101.VenMa 0 miles
102.SJMJ 0 miles
103.SwaroopEpuri 0 miles
1.GSK 477.9 miles
2.KarthikKandasam 439.0 miles
3.Guru 397.4 miles
4.Sunny999 376.1 miles
5.PAW 281.1 miles
6.Nart 273.8 miles
7.mmasushi 268.1 miles
8.venkat 254.6 miles
9.JiffyJen 220.9 miles
10.RacerBobby 207.3 miles
11.ROXC 191.7 miles
12.Blisteronmytoe 162.2 miles
13.Mark4 151.2 miles
14.Veronica2024 148.1 miles
15.MMArizona 146.2 miles
16.Hanuman 145.1 miles
17.malroth 143.5 miles
18.Vanny 143.1 miles
19.Maadhu 141.1 miles
20.RobKTay 140.0 miles
21.SunMenon 139.3 miles
22.Amoranto2 137.4 miles
23.HappyFeet2.0 134.7 miles
24.Maxx4lyfe 134.5 miles
25.Amit007 131.7 miles
26.MissWalksALot 129.6 miles
27.Chi-Town 128.7 miles
28.VentiChai 128.0 miles
29.Damola 127.3 miles
30.BEENICOLE 126.7 miles
31.Rebbie 123.3 miles
32.StravaPacer 119.9 miles
33.Hcole 116.6 miles
34.bamit18 116.6 miles
35.pdaley 115.8 miles
36.SarahChives 113.8 miles
37.Aika 113.8 miles
38.Bel96 112.8 miles
39.St0rm 112.7 miles
40.Rosy07 112.1 miles
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- From: State Farm Stadium
- To: Peoria Sports Complex
- Start date: September 1, 2024
- End date: September 30, 2024
- 0:00
- 23:59
- Route distance: 110.6 miles
- Total logged: 10,530.6 miles
We are excited to announce Solugenix is hosting a virtual 'Run' (friendly race/tour) via Racery! Connect with your Solugenix team members as we explore Arizona State.
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We've got racers all over the globe! So to keep everyone on the same page, we've come up with some handy guidelines:
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Exercise anywhere you want. Then log the activity and see your avatar move across the route. Catch a Google Street View of the new virtual locale, then cheer your real fellow racers! Share your bib on social media! Brag about your streaks or longest mileage!
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- If your race includes activity conversions, we try to keep the playing field level, and conversions are based on effort, ie 1 hour cycling = ~1 hour swimming = ~1 hour tennis. Please log cycling minutes, not miles.
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- Only log intentional exercise please.
- Attribute your exercise to the appropriate day—don't combine workouts from multiple days.
- Only backdate logs for a race up to two weeks in the past.
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